Monday, May 1, 2023

My Relationship with Technology

I believe I do have a balanced relationship with technology; even though I use it a significant amount of time, it doesn't consume my life. I would say my relationship is healthy for a few reasons. Firstly, technology is incredibly beneficial when used in moderation. It has helped me stay connected with loved ones, learn new things, and I've even profited off the internet with my podcast and doing surveys online. Secondly, is because I have good digital hygiene. I frequently take steps to protect my privacy and security online, for example, using strong passwords and avoiding suspicious websites. Also, I'm mindful of cyberbullying, identity theft, and addiction and actively always trying to avoid those negative consequences of technology. Finally, a healthy relationship with technology often involves setting boundaries and practicing self-care. This might mean taking breaks from screens throughout the day, prioritizing face-to-face interactions with friends and family, or engaging in other activities that promote mental and physical wellness. I feel I do all of these things often and have tried to incorporate these healthy habits more, especially this semester. 

I think, for the most part, technology has always informed me rather than mislead me. First and foremost, technology has made information more accessible than ever before. With just a few clicks, we can access a wealth of information on almost any topic imaginable. This has helped me stay up-to-date on current events, learn new things, and expand my knowledge on a variety of subjects. Moreover, technology has made it possible for us to connect with people from all over the world. Social media platforms and online forums allow us to exchange ideas and perspectives with individuals who we may never have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. This can help broaden our understanding of different cultures, and provide us with new insights and perspectives on the world, which is key for humanity and me. In addition to this, technology can also enhance our cognitive abilities, and it certainly has for me. My strategic thinking skills have greatly improved with technology, and my vocabulary in the English language has as well. 
Misleading information is always going to be a real problem, though, and it does worry me sometimes for many reasons. I feel it greatly hurts society in terms of eroding trust in institutions and undermining democracy. When people are exposed to false or misleading information, they may lose faith in news media, government officials, and other sources of authority. This can create a sense of cynicism and disillusionment, which can lead to apathy, disengagement, and even political extremism in some cases. Also, misleading information can contribute to the spread of conspiracy theories and other harmful beliefs. When people are exposed to false information that confirms their biases or preconceived notions, they may become more susceptible to extremist ideologies or radicalization. This can have serious consequences for social cohesion and public safety. Finally, this poor information can have negative impacts on public health. For example, false information about vaccines or other medical treatments can lead people to make decisions that put their health at risk. Similarly, misinformation about the cause or effects of climate change can lead to inaction, which can exacerbate the problem and put future generations at risk. 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Radio : Under the lens of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation

When Radio was invented in 1895 by Guglielmo Marconi, it changed communication for humanity forever. During the time, the radio was first available to the public, there were several reasons why it caught on and spread. Firstly radio provided a new means of communication that was faster and more efficient than existing methods such as telegraph and telephone. Radio waves could travel long distances and reach places that were previously inaccessible. Also, this innovation provided a new source of entertainment. People could listen to music, news, sports, and other programs from the comfort of their own homes. Radio broadcasting also provided a sense of community as people could listen to the same programs and discuss them with others. Lastly, as time went on, radios became smaller, more affordable, and easier to use, making it possible for people from all walks of life to own one. 

In regard to the early adopters, there were lots of them, especially with the radio. The early adopters saw the radio as a new technology that was pretty unprecedented, and I truly believe that people were curious about this new device and wanted to try it out themselves. Furthermore, early radio sets were relatively simple to use. They had few buttons and knobs, and tuning in to a station was pretty straightforward. Also, owning a radio was seen as a status symbol. It demonstrated that a person was up-to-date with the latest technology and had the means to afford it. So overall, the early adopters of radio were attracted to its novelty, ease of use, availability, social status, entertainment value, and information content. These factors combined to make radio a popular and widely adopted technology in its early years. 

On the other side, the late adopters, which were far and few between, had their reasons as well. The cost was one; while radios became more affordable over time, they were initially expensive. This made it difficult for some people, particularly those in lower income brackets, to purchase a radio. Lastly, for the older generation, the radio was viewed as a change to traditional ways of communication, and I believe the folks in this group just didn't want to use it. And the late majority might have had some pressure to use it as the times were changing. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The Age of AI, A Fork in the Road or Evolution of Man Kind ?

After watching the Fronline PBS video on AI, I learned a bunch of new information I wasn't aware of. In general, I've always believed that the development of better technology and AI would only enhance our quality of life, but there are so many other positive aspects. Firstly complex AI systems have the ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, which can lead to improved decision-making and more accurate predictions in different occupations around the world. Also, more advanced AI can be used to create more personalized experiences for users. For example, AI-powered recommendation engines can suggest products or services based on individual preferences and behaviors. Furthermore, as AI becomes more complex, it has the potential to improve efficiency in a wide range of industries. By automating repetitive tasks and improving decision-making processes, AI can help businesses save time and money. Lastly, in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, staying competitive requires staying ahead of the curve in terms of technology. Developing new technology, as explained in the video, can help companies and nations maintain their competitive edge by keeping up with the latest advancements and trends. 

But as a human race, I personally think we're at a crossroads with this technology. In the PBS video, several negative effects of complex AI were conveyed, and frankly, they are threatening to say the least. First of all, complex AI systems can be vulnerable to hacking or other security breaches, which could compromise sensitive data or cause other types of damage. Conjointly as AI becomes more advanced, there is a risk that it will replace human workers in certain jobs. This could lead to unemployment and economic disruption, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labor. Also, if AI becomes too complex, there is a risk that humans will become too dependent on it, leading to a loss of skills and knowledge. This could create a situation where humans are unable to function with the assistance of AI. Lastly, these systems can be difficult to predict and control, particularly if they are designed to learn and adapt on their own. This can lead to unpredictable outcomes or unintended consequences. 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Second EOTO : Citizen Journalism

The best way I can define citizen journalism is the practice of non-professional individuals reporting news and events through various media platforms, such as social media, blogs, podcasts, and other online platforms. It has emerged as a new form of journalism, where ordinary folks can act as reporters and provide information that traditional news sources may now cover or overlook. 

There are many implications to this; firstly, it has allowed people to have more access to information and diverse perspectives on events that traditional news sources may not cover. Citizen journalists often report on events that occur in their local communities or regions, providing on-the-ground coverage that traditional journalists may not be able to provide. Citizen Journalism has also played a significant role in exposing social injustices and promoting social change. For example, during the Arab Spring protestscitizen journalists used social media platforms to report on protests and human rights violations, providing crucial information to the world about the events taking place in the region. However, there are also concerns about the reliability of citizen journalism. Since citizen journalists are not professional reporters, the information they provide may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. Therefore, it is important to critically evaluate the information provided by citizen journalists and to certify with other sources.

When zooming the lens out and looking at how citizen journalism has impacted society as a whole, it starts with an increase of transparency and accountability in media overall. By reporting on events and issues that traditional news sources may not cover, citizen journalists have helped shed light on injustices, corruption, and other issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. Also, this type of media has created greater awareness/understanding in the field and has also helped to increase awareness and understanding of different cultures, communities, and perspectives. Another crucial effect is the shift in power dynamics in the media industry; with the rise of citizen journalism, traditional media outlets have had to adapt to the changing landscape and compete with non-professional reporters for coverage of events. In my opinion, this has led to a more diverse and dynamic media ecosystem. And in turn, this new development has challenged traditional media outlets' authority. With more people turning to social media and other online platforms for news and information, traditional media outlets have had to compete with non-professional reporters for audiences and credibility.

When I think about how this impacts my family and me, I can think of a number of ways. On the one hand, it can provide valuable information about local events, community issues, and other topics that may be relevant to my family or me. And following these citizen journalists in my area may help me stay up-to-date on news that I wasn't aware of. On the other hand, as I stated previously, citizen journalism can also be extremely unreliable in some cases, and it may be difficult for me, or especially for my older family members, to verify the accuracy of the information being reported. And this false reporting can cause several issues, such as the spread of misinformation, which can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect beliefs. Also, false reporting can contribute to social unrest or conflict. If false information is spread about a particular group or community, it can lead to fear, anger, and mistrust. Lastly, in some cases, false reporting can have legal consequences. If false information is reported about a person or organization, it may be considered libel or slander, which can lead to legal action. So going forward, I will definitely be double-checking information from citizen journalism, to help ensure I have accurate information and to help me avoid spreading false information. And I would advise anyone else to do the same, so we can have a more informed and educated society. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

What I learned about Facebook & Netflix from EOTO Presentations

    While listening to the EOTO presentations, I was really intrigued by what I heard about how Facebook was created and has impacted the world. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, along with his college roommates, in 2004. Initially, it was created as a social networking website for Harvard students, but later it was opened to other universities and eventually to the public. Positively Facebook has changed the world in several ways, firstly improved connectivity. Facebook has made it easier for people to connect with each other regardless of their location through messaging, video calls, and groups. Secondly, sharing information, Facebook has become a popular platform for sharing news, opinions, and ideas with others, allowing people to keep up with current events and stay informed. Lastly, another positive impact explained in the presentation was the business opportunities Facebook has created; it has opened up new business opportunities for small and large businesses, as it provides a platform for them.

    Another presentation I found that was done really well, was the one about Netflix. Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in 1997 as a DVD-by-mail rental service. It allowed subscribers to rent DVDs online and receive them by mail, without having to visit a physical rental store. And over time, Netflix evolved its business model to include online streaming of movies and TV shows, which is now it's primary offering. During the presentation, several impacts were explained, such as Netflix providing convenient entertainment. Netflix provides users with the ability to stream TV shows and movies from the comfort of their own homes, at any time they want. This has made entertainment much more convenient and accessible to people all over the world. Also, Netflix has what's called a global reach, meaning it is available in over 190 countries, making it possible for people all over the world to access and enjoy the same content. The last thing I'll point out is that Netflix has increased the competition in the streaming market; this could be considered a bad or good thing. It's bad for smaller/independent businesses trying to compete with Netflix, but it's good for the consumer because competition always benefits the consumer in the end. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Anti - War Voices & Them Being Concealed

After looking at the two anti-war sites, I think there are many reasons these types of sites have been hidden from me in the past. One is that mainstream media may not cover these websites or promote their content, as they may not align with the dominant pro-war narrative. Additionally, these websites may not have the same level of visibility or reach as larger media outlets, which can make it more challenging for people to find them. Some antiwar websites may also prioritize maintaining a smaller, more niche audience rather than trying to reach a wider audience. 

Another reason I can think of could be differences in search engine algorithms or social media algorithms. These algorithms can sometimes prioritize more mainstream or popular content over niche or alternative content, which can make it more difficult for antiwar websites to appear in search results or social media
feeds. However, with some research and exploration, it's possible to discover antiwar websites that showcase strong antiwar voices. In my opinion, engaging with a variety of sources and perspectives is important for gaining a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues such as war and peace. 

An alternative question would be, why do you have to go to these obscure websites to see anti-war content? Mainstream media outlets often have close ties to the government and military-industrial complex. As a result, they may be hesitant to provide a platform for voices that challenge the common view of thought about war, which leads to a lack of diverse perspectives. Furthermore, smaller or independent media outlets may have more freedom to cover issues that are overlooked or ignored by mainstream media, including anti-war perspectives. However, these outlets may not have the same level of resources or reach as larger media organizations which again makes it more challenging for more voices to be heard. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Invention of Radio and How it has Changed the World

The invention of the radio is attributed to several inventors and scientists, but the most commonly recognized inventor of the radio is Guglielmo Marconi, an Italian-born physicist, and inventor. Marconi demonstrated the first successful long-range wireless communication in 1901, using a system he had developed based on earlier work of other scientists such as Heinrich Hertz and Nikola Tesla. Marconi's invention of the radio revolutionized communication and led to the development of many technologies that use radio waves, including television, mobile phones, and satellite communication. Marconi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909 for his contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy, which is now known as the radio. 

Creating the radio was driven by the need to overcome the limitations of existing forms of long-distance communication, such as the telegraph and the telephone. Prior to the development of the radio, communication over long distances required physical cables or wires to transmit signals, which was impractical for many applications. The Radio was invented to allow wireless communication, which made it possible to transmit and receive messages over long distances without the need for physical connections. This was a major breakthrough in communication technology, as it enabled people to communicate with each other from different parts of the world in real time. The radio was initially used for military purposes, but it soon became popular among the general public for entertainment and information broadcasting. Today, the radio continues to be an important medium for communication, both for entertainment and for emergency broadcasting purposes. 

This extraordinary development of radio has had a significant impact on our world in numerous ways. Firstly radio made it possible for people to communicate with each other over long distances without the need for physical cables or wires. This greatly improved communication and made it possible for people to stay connected with each other when they were far apart. Additionally, radio revolutionized the way we receive information. It made it possible for news, music, and other forms of entertainment to be broadcasted to millions of people at the same time. This had a profound impact on the way we consume information and entertainment. Furthermore, radio has also changed the way we interact with each other. It has made it possible for people from different parts of the world to communicate with each other in real time. This has had a great impact on our understanding of other cultures and our ability to work together across geographical and cultural boundaries. Lastly, this monumental invention also contributed to the development of other technologies, such as television and the internet. These technologies would not have been possible without breakthroughs in radio technology.

Although Radio has progressed communication as the way we know it, I believe there are some negative effects as well. Radio broadcasts can sometimes spread misinformation or propaganda, leading to public confusion or even harm. This is especially true in countries where the government controls the airwaves and uses radio broadcasts as a tool of propaganda. In addition, the rise of radio as a popular form of entertainment contributed to declining of other media, such as newspapers and magazines, which led to job losses in those industries. 

My Relationship with Technology

I believe I do have a balanced relationship with technology; even though I use it a significant amount of time, it doesn't consume my li...