Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Anti - War Voices & Them Being Concealed

After looking at the two anti-war sites, I think there are many reasons these types of sites have been hidden from me in the past. One is that mainstream media may not cover these websites or promote their content, as they may not align with the dominant pro-war narrative. Additionally, these websites may not have the same level of visibility or reach as larger media outlets, which can make it more challenging for people to find them. Some antiwar websites may also prioritize maintaining a smaller, more niche audience rather than trying to reach a wider audience. 

Another reason I can think of could be differences in search engine algorithms or social media algorithms. These algorithms can sometimes prioritize more mainstream or popular content over niche or alternative content, which can make it more difficult for antiwar websites to appear in search results or social media
feeds. However, with some research and exploration, it's possible to discover antiwar websites that showcase strong antiwar voices. In my opinion, engaging with a variety of sources and perspectives is important for gaining a more comprehensive understanding of complex issues such as war and peace. 

An alternative question would be, why do you have to go to these obscure websites to see anti-war content? Mainstream media outlets often have close ties to the government and military-industrial complex. As a result, they may be hesitant to provide a platform for voices that challenge the common view of thought about war, which leads to a lack of diverse perspectives. Furthermore, smaller or independent media outlets may have more freedom to cover issues that are overlooked or ignored by mainstream media, including anti-war perspectives. However, these outlets may not have the same level of resources or reach as larger media organizations which again makes it more challenging for more voices to be heard. 

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