Monday, March 13, 2023

My Top Five News Sources

Personally, I get most of my news from Twitter. I would say I check Twitter most often throughout the day, and it provides news on current events, pop culture, and sports. Twitter is also a very credible source, in my opinion, because you can decipher the real news from the fake news by either checking if someone is certified and has a good history of credibility or you can check the comments and see by the interactions whether the news is real or not. Because I'm so into sports, I find myself going to different Twitter Spaces and seeing what these groups are saying are certain topics. Lastly, I like how you can direct message, someone, you want to connect with directly, and Twitter allows you to do this; also, you can create a personal brand on Twitter which allows others to identify with you better. 

Secondly, a news source I also use frequently is Bleacher Report. This one is specifically for sports news. I have the Bleacher app on my phone, which sends me notifications when major moves happen in sports, and you can customize what it alerts you on. For example, I could set it only to send news for a certain team, player, league, or all leagues and teams. I would highly recommend Bleacher Report to anyone interested in sports and staying up the date with all the news in real-time. Lastly, Bleacher Report has thousands of articles to read on various topics, and they are super well-written and researched. 

Also, Google is a great news source I use. Google is updated constantly, and it is always relevant to the news cycle going on. Google gives you thousands to hundreds of thousands of websites and articles it links you to and gives you dates on all of them. Additionally, you can go to third-party courses, and news websites, and most are reliable, but I wouldn't just blindly believe one website or application that you are reading. Lastly, Google allows you to have thorough research and not have one perspective 


Another great News source for me is the Associated Press. They have been around for a long time, and for a good reason, they cover news and over 50 Pulitzer Prices. To me, they seem very neutral on a lot of topics and stick mostly with facts and have a good understanding of the material they are covering. I find it a terrific place to get information on global events and sports as well. Lastly, their stories and articles are incredibly interesting and distinct. 

My last main news source is ESPN. As an aspiring sports writer, I almost use ESPN and other Sport Journalistic associations as an example of what I want to write in the future. The reporters that work for ESPN are top-of-the-line and have most likely been writing for a long time, so it's super compelling to read their work. Also, ESPN tracks almost every sporting event and every sport that there is; they offer live statistics, report insights on particular players, and cover every major league. I think they are great at what they do, and they offer a tremendous amount of information. 

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