Monday, May 1, 2023

My Relationship with Technology

I believe I do have a balanced relationship with technology; even though I use it a significant amount of time, it doesn't consume my life. I would say my relationship is healthy for a few reasons. Firstly, technology is incredibly beneficial when used in moderation. It has helped me stay connected with loved ones, learn new things, and I've even profited off the internet with my podcast and doing surveys online. Secondly, is because I have good digital hygiene. I frequently take steps to protect my privacy and security online, for example, using strong passwords and avoiding suspicious websites. Also, I'm mindful of cyberbullying, identity theft, and addiction and actively always trying to avoid those negative consequences of technology. Finally, a healthy relationship with technology often involves setting boundaries and practicing self-care. This might mean taking breaks from screens throughout the day, prioritizing face-to-face interactions with friends and family, or engaging in other activities that promote mental and physical wellness. I feel I do all of these things often and have tried to incorporate these healthy habits more, especially this semester. 

I think, for the most part, technology has always informed me rather than mislead me. First and foremost, technology has made information more accessible than ever before. With just a few clicks, we can access a wealth of information on almost any topic imaginable. This has helped me stay up-to-date on current events, learn new things, and expand my knowledge on a variety of subjects. Moreover, technology has made it possible for us to connect with people from all over the world. Social media platforms and online forums allow us to exchange ideas and perspectives with individuals who we may never have had the opportunity to meet otherwise. This can help broaden our understanding of different cultures, and provide us with new insights and perspectives on the world, which is key for humanity and me. In addition to this, technology can also enhance our cognitive abilities, and it certainly has for me. My strategic thinking skills have greatly improved with technology, and my vocabulary in the English language has as well. 
Misleading information is always going to be a real problem, though, and it does worry me sometimes for many reasons. I feel it greatly hurts society in terms of eroding trust in institutions and undermining democracy. When people are exposed to false or misleading information, they may lose faith in news media, government officials, and other sources of authority. This can create a sense of cynicism and disillusionment, which can lead to apathy, disengagement, and even political extremism in some cases. Also, misleading information can contribute to the spread of conspiracy theories and other harmful beliefs. When people are exposed to false information that confirms their biases or preconceived notions, they may become more susceptible to extremist ideologies or radicalization. This can have serious consequences for social cohesion and public safety. Finally, this poor information can have negative impacts on public health. For example, false information about vaccines or other medical treatments can lead people to make decisions that put their health at risk. Similarly, misinformation about the cause or effects of climate change can lead to inaction, which can exacerbate the problem and put future generations at risk. 

My Relationship with Technology

I believe I do have a balanced relationship with technology; even though I use it a significant amount of time, it doesn't consume my li...